It's easy to make people smile, if you smile first.
Cookies and cream, Regi @11:54 PM
Carpe Diem
So I read that Carpe Diem really means, to seize life at it's fullest.
Anyway, I've just written up a list of to-dos the few days I take a breather off work.
Speaking of which, this coming Saturday's my last day working at Taka, and I'm quite sad. I've made like great friends with the auntie selling Illy coffee next booth, and she really treats me like family. The moment she heard I'm down with a cold, she stuffed me with packets and packets of tea so I'd recover after drinking them. Just the other day, she even bought me food and always brings free samples to share with me. We even shared free Godiva chocolates!!( haha Godiva staff also greedy for coffee okay...) I can even share problems with her leh. How cool is that? Considering the fact that I was pretty intimidated by her the first 2 days. Just in 2 weeks we're such good friends already. And she even aided me in my signing of package the other day. =)
Next week, I shall head down to Shop and Save to look for her and get her free samples. haha!
Alright I'm really sleepy now... good night!
Cookies and cream, Regi @3:44 AM
Why do people like to act on the sly?
It's so tiring.
On a lighter note, here're the pictures from my camera. I haven't gotten the rest from the others..

Suddenly, I've no more mojo to blog. No more mojo to even continue this blog. Seriously, what's the point, other than me coming here weekly to refresh on memories (yes, I do that.) ?
But it seems more like a habit everytime I log into blogger and start typing religiously.
And by the way, I cannot believe my eyes, but I've got Finance classes scheduled IN THE EVENINGS!!!! Like what the hell. 7pm to 10pm. CLEMENT-FREAKING-TI!!!! God. I wonder, if I got myself into a cold war with my dad and I can't drive to school, what time would I reach home?! Faint.
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:55 AM
oh my god this is scary shit.
and it reminds me of what I went through for damn long 1.5years ago.
no no no no no i don't want it again...................................
Cookies and cream, Regi @5:50 PM
Because I love you, I will change for you.
I want you to know that even though ultimately, it may benefit myself, but I'm changing for you. I want to change so you will be happy, I want to see you happy.
It will take time, because changes don't happen overnight.
But I'll guarantee you this time, it's not just talk.
We'll cooperate, won't we? Like how we always do.
You'll support me, won't you? Just like how you always said you will.
I can't promise you a total change, but I can promise you a gradual one.
Be with me on this one, because we're not giving up on each other.
Because I love you, for you, I will.
Cookies and cream, Regi @3:54 PM
This is a absolutely scary world because you never know who's true to you.
Gone are the days where everyone's pure and innocent, and here are the days where silence doesn't really mean silence anymore.
People are changing all the time, and the people you once knew, or once thought you knew, are actually gone.
I am honestly uncomfortable with the idea of being in such a place. It tires me out, and I really don't want to live my life being sceptical about everybody. But it seems like one of the fundamentals of growing up, really is about learning not to trust anyone else but yourself.
I just got home from dinner and chill out with quite a few people actually..
So there were Jan, Lester, CJ, Evon, Shan, Kston. We had dinner at this Mexican place Cha Cha Cha, and then went over to Wala Wala's. Pictures up tomorrow.
Work was rather bad today, I didn't sell a shit. =(
And Wendy actually asked me to join her at St James today.. and I was really tempted since it was free entrance plus 10 free drinks for girls. But none of them liked St James, plus I'd be damn tired tomorrow.. so I gave it a miss. But it's amazing still, that my cousin and Jan are actually friends. hahaha what a small world.
You know, I'm actually rather glad I'm friends with Jan and Nat.
Even though I haven't known Jan for more than a week, I still think she's a good thing that's happened and really, I haven't seen another 22/3 year old sweeter than that.
And even though I haven't known Nat for more than a year, she's really an awesome friend to me, and I always enjoyed myself with her.
Actually, these are two people I find, really true, and that's what I'm really looking for in a friendship right now. Friendship's so vulnerable and sensitive, and I've had enough experiences and I don't want more. For now, I'm happy.
Cookies and cream, Regi @2:13 AM

From how I perceive things to be, I'll start drawing away from you. Well, maybe I already have.
It's true when they say, friends never last.
People always leave.
Cookies and cream, Regi @7:23 PM
I'm in a superbly good mood today. =)
I feel damn achieved and proud of myself.
I clinched the second package in my one month employment with Order Express today. =)
I talked to the couple for God-knows-how-long, and when they told me they needed to think about it, I was seriously dejected.. But I was kinda used to it.
But thank goodness I didn't knock off immediately, but went to buy bread instead.
Because when I returned, they were there, waiting for me to sign the deal with them!
More commission more commission. =)
Baby and I shall be embarking on Plan Z very soon. I can't wait! It'll be after the KL trip.
On a lighter note, I went to the library yesterday, and I got myself the Complete Idiot's Guide to Wine, in bid to improve my knowledge on wine and not appear such a noob in front of Ben, the complete guide to almost-perfect sales. haha.
But, I realised I'd have to stop working pretty soon.
Oh well, no harm learning more stuff.
Cookies and cream, Regi @12:16 AM
Yayyy Kbox pictures. Although in really messy order... I dont know how Blogger arranges them seriously.
Cookies and cream, Regi @12:00 AM
Hersheys. Jacq's dog. Damn cute right! It's been a hundred years since I last saw her, and she's still the same. Always dragging some old cloth, wanting to play fetch. How sweet! And she's not fierce at all. Look at her stubby feet!
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:47 AM
I am a stupid fool.
I always end up doing things I shouldn't, and start regretting.
From this moment, I won't be committing the same mistake again.
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:16 AM
Met Jan, Nat, Lester, Daphne and Aaron after work today and we went Kbox. Boy, it costed a bomb.
Working at Order Express helped me learn a lot.
I meet so many different people each time, I learn about wine from people, I taste wine, I learn about coffee, I see office politics get ugly, I learn how to manage a shop, I learn how to interact with customers gradually, and I learn about responsibility.
Today, while working, I suddenly realised, that if I were to stop working when I start school, it'll mean I have only one week left with them. And it made me feel really sad all of a sudden. Like, all these 4 weeks there, I've grown attached to the management, to the people and to my job scope. If I stop working, I'll stop learning. I'll stop the experience. And I like the experience.
These days, this boss from the company, Peter, would come downstairs, grab a cuppa, talk to me about life, and office politics. He taught me how people get ugly, how fame and authority destroys peace, how even a simple machine in the office can show the ugliness in people, and today, he taught me how to use the different interesting traditional coffee makers.
It's interesting too, when Steven and Julianna come downstairs, and we start making fun of each other. Like how Steven can't pronounce mozerella, and thinks I should trust his pronounciation for vermincilli (how to spell?). And how we cheated him into thinking that our bags cost 60$.
Like how Felix and Kin would come down and help me close the shop, how Kelvin always drinks coffee, and told me today that our coffee tasted sour because I adjusted too little water, how Jason exposed himself that he didn't study barista in Australia and asked how my day is all the time, how Janice comes down with Julianna asking me what we need to stock up, and randomly gossip, how Jamie always comes down with Steven and seems to always embarrass herself such as walking into the Gents thinking it's the Ladies, how Seymone/Cynthia/Linghui always takes over my shift and vice versa, how I already memorised the music playing in the background, how the cleaners, food vendors, watson staff already recognise and know me, and how I actually enjoy working there.
The holidays passed so fast.. School will start on July 2. Should I continue, or should I not?
I just did something stupid.
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:50 AM

Create your own Friend Test here
Cookies and cream, Regi @3:17 AM
So yesterday, before mambo, I met up with Ruth, Jiewan, Jiale and Shirley for dinner, like finally.
Had a quick dinner then Jiale and Shirley sped off, leaving the three of us roaming around while waiting for time to pass.
We entered Phuture first.. didn't have to queue! Ruikun works as a bouncer there sometimes that's how. heh.
Ran around from Phuture to Zouk, Zouk to Phuture, and then ended up at Zouk till the lights came out. Time flies when you're having fun, and time flew yesternight. Julianna and Janice went toooooo! How fun. =)
Took quite a lot of pictures.. some on the dancefloor but they're with some other girl and it'll take a long while before I get hold of them so shall make do for now. =)

Easy to tell who's the shortest here!! And by the way, I'm really not the same height as Janice and Daphne(my new found friends). Janice is really 1.7m! She was bending down. haha.
So now you know who's the shortest.....My all time favourite girl, who kept hugging and telling me she loves me, when she was high.
My new found friend Janice who's damn sweet and we were coincidentally wearing something pretty similar! And gosh, she's a chinese teacher, can you tell?
After snapping this, Nat happily flashed the picture in front of me, and said 'HAHA! I TOOK YOUR UNGLAM POSE!'
Very unglam meh?
Cookies and cream, Regi @12:41 AM