Livejournal beckons
Hello people,
I've shifted to .
Mostly Friends Only, so create a livejournal account and add me if you want to read the privates!
I'm sorry about it, blame Huiyi for tempting me if you want! :P
Goodbye now!
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:28 AM
Let the music set you free
I just closed a transaction for Le Little Shop with this customer, Timothy.
Apparently, there were 3 interested parties in one of my items, all at the same time. ^_^
So he emailed me,
I would like to order autumn whispers for my gf..I know she really likes it and i was wondering if it was still possible for me to get it from you cos i've noticed that there was someone else posting a comment in the tagboard that she was interested in that necklace. It's really quite important for me if i was able to get that. i can offer a higher price if its ok with you! just name the price. do contact me at ******** or reply to this email! Your help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
So based on business ethics, I had to run a 'fastest fingers first' via sms/email with all the parties, even though I secretly wish this guy would win cuz he's so goddamned sweet. haha.
In the end, he won (honest!). He was the first to text me back with a 'ME!!!' and emailed at the same time to confirm the bid. haha. He paid $2 more than what was posted, and did the money transfer almost immediately.
During the 'results', I text him a wrong message, and I said he didn't win the bid. Pity I deleted the message.. else there'd be proof to how disappointed he sounded immediately, and perked up right on when I said I text him a wrong message. haha!
Ahhhh the main purpose of this entry is to show really, that there are very very sweet boyfriends out there. hahaha.
No I'm not saying Fabbydear's not sweet to me. haha. Just that this customer of mine's really the max, I feel.
In any case, I'm happy for Le Little Shop! =)
pst: but this is *ahem*, still an obvious hint thrown to my dearest fabby dear. =) teeheehee
Cookies and cream, Regi @2:53 AM
Maybe, this is just the part of you I never understood, and never saw.
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:07 AM
Think of Me
...and it was your indirectness that hurt me most.
It wasn't about who you went with for ramen.
It was about you showing unwillingness to come clean.
Cookies and cream, Regi @12:10 AM
Music of the Night

The musical was awesome!
It started off with a good bang, and I love the opening best.
Seriously, I'd trade my lousy sound system in my laptop for all that quality. It was sucha bang! Well... though it was pretty cold in there, it didn't really affect the watch afterall. It was that much of a good watch. heh.
And, it made me well up in tears in the end. So I rate it 6 out of 5 stars. hahaha! (no there's nothing wrong with my math!)
Totally worth every cent we paid, and more!
Cookies and cream, Regi @11:58 PM
Angel of Music, Devil of Crime
Maybe I should stop reading altogether.
Cookies and cream, Regi @2:48 PM
soft slumber
There're many articles Yisheng wrote, but this is the very one I like best.
"was watching charlie and the chocolate factory on cable tv earlier in the afternoon. realised that movie was peppered with dark elements and terrifying connotations permeated the show entirely. could you imagine that shock rocker marilyn manson was actually asked to play the role of willy wonka in the movie? perhaps if you watch it with an innocent and naive fixation, your mind untintured and tainted by hidden covert darker undertones you might have found the movie pretty much a childs fantasy movie.
while preparing for my gothic paper this year, i learnt that stories such as 'the little red riding hood', 'snow white' and 'alice in wonderland' had deeper darker gothic origins and underlying messages, a deck scarier and more intensely terrifying in its orignal version that of coz, the ever warmly received walt disney version kids are familiar with.
abstracting something from wikipedia,
These early variations of the tale differ from the currently known version in several ways. The antagonist is not always a wolf, but sometimes an ogre or a ‘bzou’ (werewolf), making these tales relevant to the werewolf-trials (similar to witch trials) of the time. The wolf usually leaves the grandmother’s blood and meat for the girl to eat, who then unwittingly cannibalises her own grandmother. Also, once the girl is in bed with the wolf she sees through his disguise and tries to escape, complaining to her ‘grandmother’ that she needs to defecate and would not wish to do so in the bed. The wolf reluctantly lets her go, tied to a piece of string so she does not get away. However, the girl slips the string over something else and gets away.
in short, my purpose of sharing this with you guys, is to bring across the message that fairy tales never exist in real life. even their true nature and meanings have to twisted and adapted to appeal to our childish delights and sense. is it not unnerving to learn that perhaps all that you once believed in is not only just a farce, but actually more insidious and sinister in its nature, which you were unknowingly exposed to at a young age, only to realise its nature upon maturity.what does this have to say about the nature of life, the things you may cherish, and whatever you love and equate your happiness to.
food for thought. heh
yisheng "
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:16 AM
The voice mail
It should be wrong of me.
It is an accusation.
Yet I can't help but detest letting the 10 times tone dial, and get transferred to the voicemail.
The voicemail with the song I secretly am sensitive to.
Should the day come, that I'm about to die, that I need someone to get me out of the rubble,
I suppose it won't be you. For you're always away from your phone, whichever reason it may be.
Computer games it was, car-search it was, watching tv it was, downloading it was, and tonight, what that may have happened domestically it is.
Should you check the log, I'd be registered firmly under the missed, as a regular. And not much of the received.
Day in, day out.
Cookies and cream, Regi @11:59 PM
four, tres, two, uno
You know, like what they always say, there're always representative songs in each phase of our lives.
Is there just any one song that reminds you of any one phase you don't wish to think about? Maybe it's too upsetting a phase, maybe it's too heartbreaking a phase. Or maybe it's too good a phase, that you don't want to think about it because you know it's not gonna happen a second time again kind of phase.
Well, phases like all of that, I don't really want to listen to any representative songs.. even though I love those songs.
But sadly, the radio always happens to play those songs. Over and over again.
How depressing.
Cookies and cream, Regi @9:18 PM
Yohoho and a bottle of rum
''Now talking's just a waste of breath, and living's just a waste of death."
It seems like I'm always causing a lot of misunderstandings with my entries.
Alright, if it's you I'm speaking about, I'll let you know personally (in the case of the previous few entries). If it isn't, please don't let your creativity run wild and assume it is.
Point made.
I travelled (all the way) to school today to study with Nat, snacked more than I studied, and then, left for Ti Amo in the heavy rain. Dinner with Tricia and Yinsan. Like finally I'm seeing them. =) Oh, and I got a little souvenior from China from Yinsan! hoho =)
Anyway, sister just came into my room, ransacked my pencil case, and said, "why are you so cartoony these days? Hello Kitty.. Mickey.. Pluto.. Eeyore.. no childhood ah?"
And I say, it's extended childhood. =)
Anyway, I can't wait for Phantom of the Opera tomorrow (!!) with baby. =) It's gonna be good with a cherry right on the top because our cheapo seats got upgraded for free due to technical error. haha! So we're gonna get a absolutely clear view when we paid for the cheapest seats. heh!
I can't wait for the exams to come and go. I've got so many people I haven't met, including Jiewan, whom I owe a trillion apologies to, for I haven't celebrated her birthday with her and her present's rotting away. =(
Cookies and cream, Regi @8:50 PM
Because my Stupid friend, Bishan, dedicated an oh-so-sweet post to me, I shall do the same, minus the stupid pictures of today first. heh!
I have a stupid friend, who attained nirvana in the realms of the stupid people. Her name is Bishan.
Sniffs her jacket sleeves
Draws stupid faces and thinks they're very nice
draws giraffes that look more like cows
she eats like a pig but she looks malnutritioned
has curtain fringe (hohoho)
always bullies me (boing boing boing)
thinks she can be cuter by wearing a pair of mushroom slippers at home
buys shorts, but only wears them at home (waste money)
bugs a poor panda with countless senseless questions (teeheehee)
loves to finish our tomatoes
is always sleepy
pouts when she watches Makan Places Lost & Found when she's hungry
calls our lecturer Beanie when it's actually Bean (I told you she likes to act cute)
Always buys furry things and gives them names like maomao
There's actually more.. but I shall show mercy right up till here.
For the lack of newer and stupider pictures, there, my friend - who is even afraid of correction liquid.

now, good night!
Cookies and cream, Regi @11:44 PM
Basically, I'm just not someone easily satisfied, come emotional terms.
In other words, I'm probably just the average jealousy-prone ass, sensitive monster, and petty freak.
It's sad but I'm serious and admitting up to this with no pun intended, no sarcasm induced, and not an ounce of offence meant.
In a way, it's about how things develop over time, how thing fold over one another, double fold again, and maybe, triple fold and more. It's about the rejections, it's about the distances, and it's about my immaturity.
I know, and I recognise, but I never did a shit other than folding over it again, and overlooking it as far as I possibly can.
Studied at the airport with My Retarded Stupid (attained Nirvana) friend, Bishirich today. haha details later when we've finally collated all our photos. hahaha.
Dinner with baby, then we went shopping at Ikea and Giant Hypermart, which 99% resembles Malaysia. hahaha.
Cookies and cream, Regi @10:50 PM
Friends Forever
I think I'm losing hold.
Or maybe, I've lost the grip long ago, but I wanted to cling on.
Probably, you prefer the wider horizons out there and the constant fun beckoning you.
Maybe it's only habitual that I'm still referring you as _.
Truth is, there's someone, or maybe many someones, there always, to replace me.
It was just never only me.
It's okay, I'll manage it as usual.
I'm fine, as usual.
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:38 AM
So yesterday
I haven't been exactly in the best of moods since last night.
But well, as usual, sleep over it, and hope to wake up fine all over again.
Somehow, deep thinking's always been my hobby. Rather, it's always been what I do best.
Deep thinking not in the sense of structural kind of thought. More of the emotional battle kind.
Whichever way it is, it's definitely not helping in constructing a bright and sunny everyday for me.
Perhaps as we age, friendships tend to wither. People tend to diverge into different lanes, different walks. Meet different people, find better companies. And perhaps in this course, forget all about ol' times, forget all about yesterdays. But it's only in human nature, or so I've come to accept.
Yet, all I've accepted, is the fact. And not what the fact would bring.
Still, I've decided there's nothing much I can do about it no more. Other than sit by, and pretend I'm fine about it. And during this time, find my very own new lanes and walks.
Because at the end of the day, no one will bother about how you'll always sit by, and wait for ol' friends to make a U-turn, or how you'll always pinch on the inside about how they forget.
What people only remember, and etch into their skin, is of how you abandon/hurt them.
So why not make a note in their lives since they've made theirs in yours?
Because karma spins around.
I met Li for dinner after class today, and were supposed to go for kbox. But turns out, there was no promotional packages going on, and the receptionist was a freaking chao ah lian, so why patronise right? We packed off, went to get the car (after a long story), and went to look for Ru. Had round 2 of dinner at Bukit Timah and went home.
Oh, daddy got a fine today. For cheating on carpark coupons. He parked close to 8pm, so he indicated 8.15pm on the coupon (15 min cheating, as usual). In the end, the wardens were doing their rounds at 8pm (omg how very unlucky), and hence, daddy got fined under Rule 11. haha. That's $30 gone~
Go back to yesterdays, and wish for time to stop.
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:19 AM
The Poet speaks
Oh so daunting night do not tear me apart.
My heart palpitrates and my hand trembles.
A shadow tries to get me and confusion eats my sanity.
Thou promised shephard tend me into your flock so that her presence leave me easy.
Shifty figures break me from the relieve of dawn.
Lay down, lay down.
My screams are hollow as meself thoughts are sorrow.
Impertinent to my horror,
the night is endearing, and so are the seditious voices in my head.
Where are thou heading?
Would the good shepard call on me. . .
The unknown feeling seizes thy heart by a gallow.
Hush hush, my frantic soul,
But care not to cushion my plunge with despair,
for only revelations in private countenance begets a straight jacket for the terrified.
Who could explain the undercurrent stirring deeper
only to move a rapid lake towards the dead sea.
I am fraught beyond the pale of imagination for imagination leaves me no clue.
Blessed are the nights to be one with the world.
In dreams of sleep and sleep void of dreams,
the latter is unattainable.
Young lamb kept shut in gilded cage,
twin years of the trial of lull,
fear not the door when reopened to thee,
for then thine heart'll be bowed.
I wrestle, grope in the black of night.
Who can rescue?
Or, who would?
Not this crucible, no!
Am I alone?
I can't silence this song in my head- it's mockery to my sorrow.
Or the very distant hope of rescue.
Perhaps. Perhaps...
"When divinity was mortalised,
Divinity... Emphatised."
You struggled?
- Written : Yisheng
Amazing. =)
Cookies and cream, Regi @12:52 AM
Run along, sing a song for me
Wrong timing. Wrong everything.
Studying officially begun today, after the end of a long haul of tests and projects. It's a little late to start now, considering the number of lectures I actually missed. But oh well, better to start now than to procrastinate.
Although Bish and I didn't exactly study as much as we should today, it was a good start luh huh. At least I earned myself many giraffes to wish me luck for the exams and a map of a zoo (which I'll post up soon).
Tonight shall end early, before I regret it.
Tranquil night, lull me to sleep.
Labels: `
Cookies and cream, Regi @12:24 AM
Even when the skies fall, I'll stand tall
Sometimes I wish I had a gun, then I would shoot all the goddamned unreasonable cars down.
Bloody cars.
Cookies and cream, Regi @11:46 AM
2 years 4 months, and counting.

I was just up reading a random stranger's blog, and she was doing the calculations of all the relationships she's been through.
It's strange how none of them ever lasted past a year.
So is that how vulnerable love is?
If they never wanted it to last, why bother starting?
Cookies and cream, Regi @2:10 AM
1 month
Ahhhhhhh satisfied.
It's a satisfying day although I'm rather.. tired.
Nat dragged me outta lecture at like what, 12nn (and you said you're a good influence! haha) and we went Chinatown shopping. hehe. Chinatown's got like lots of hidden treasures!!!!! I didn't want to spend a cent there initially, but I ended up getting myself a pair of Eeyore bathroom slippers (cuter than your mushroom, pork lard!), a ruler, 2 mousepads( one for baby one for myself), a pair of ear studs, and materials for my pretty belt.
And, my dear Nat got herself so much materials for her cattienatshop, and for that, I get a free pair of cute ear studs for showing her the way. hehe! yayyy. Oh and she gave me a tshirt today. How sweet. =)
I went for supper with baby just now. But surprisingly I'm still feeling hungry. =( Must be the chilli. Chilli always makes me feel hungry. heh.
I live in a house with a dad going through andropause, mum in the introductory stages of menopause, sister in the teen-transition period.
Serious miscommunication and frustration going on every now and then.
Exams are coming, time to hit the booksssssssssss
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:52 AM
Cookies and cream, Regi @1:42 AM
I can't get to sleep
So because I can't get to sleep, I decided to just post up these pictures. haha.
Here we go..

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:35 AM
You were in it
Why is it that everytime people say 'drink', they only mean booze?
I don't understand, really.
Drinking literally means consuming liquid, innit? So why do they only classify booze as a liquid? What about soft drinks, juices and just plain water?
The asshole that invented that must be damn selfish. He must have been a fucking alcoholic.
For innocent (hehehe) girls like me (double hehehe), who do not consume alcohol, drinking seriously would only stretch furthest to coffee (I hate coffee, by the way). So everytime someone tells me 'let's go for a drink', I always ask them, can I not have alcohol? And they always (well, mostly) return a standard reply. "Then go drinking for what?"
Goodness, can't you understand drinking doesn't only encompass alcohol???
Cookies and cream, Regi @11:41 PM
I had a dream
It's finally all over!
OMGOMG I still can't believe it. All the projects have ended today.
For the past few days, it was a mad rush.
I didn't even enjoy my weekends.. sigh. Well, it's okay! All for the project. =)
My Saturday was spent with Natalie mainly. The rest of the team were at my place too. hahaha. And stupid Bishirich's designing so good, I'm sure to hire her as my graphic's designer in future. haha! So yea, Nat and I were doing for such a long period, time passed and we didn't realise. haha. We only had dinner at like, 10.30pm.
And, my Sunday wasn't spared too. I spent the whole day compiling the stuff and labelling the appendices etc. haha. Thank goodness baby came over to keep me company, else I'd have pulled my hair and jumped over the building. LOL.
Today, we spent almost half the day in school, and $12.50 each, before we finally handed in our proposal and Appendix book. Seems like everyone was rushing the last minutes for their project, the queues for printing, binding were all so freaking long.
Thinking about it now, I realised I'm actually quite okay with handling stress. hahaha. At least I didn't sink into any form of depression while compiling the very confusing last minutes, nor did I start typing nonsense for the Appendix. hehehe. Ok! I'm rather proud of it.=)
I've actually got lots to update and lots of pictures to post. hehe. But I'll leave it all for later. Meanwhile, I shall shove my ass off to taking pictures for Le Little Shop and update it before Marianne (a customer) realises I haven't updated. hehehe. She's like a damn sweet girl. =D
Cookies and cream, Regi @10:07 PM