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colours never lie


Friday, March 30, 2007

For all the years we are together,
for all the times we had together,
for everything we've enjoyed,
you'll always be my love.
For you, I will.
Happy 28th, baby darling.
I love you! <3
When I watched Just Follow Law with mum the other time, it didn't come across to me that the blogsite the old woman talked about, was real. I thought it was just gimmick.
Tonight, upon confirmation by Tricia, I realised that http://laozhabor.blogspot.com is concrete and real! zomggggg. She's so cute la. So hip and modern for her age. haha. But well like nat says, let's just take this with a pinch of salt. haha. For all you know, it might only be her god-son updating it for her. Hmmm. Food for thought.
Alright, time for bed!

Cookies and cream, Regi @2:10 AM

Hits and Misses

I finally met up with Tsechiew today. haha. It was good, we had dinner and we shopped like hell alot. haha. Everytime I'm out with her, she brings me to the tip of the iceberg places like LV, Gucci, Chanel. hoho. It's good experience really. And that crazy woman has a $300 tiny purse from LV. -_-
hehe. Anyway we took pictures! New phone resolution not bad aye. lol.
Ah yes Bishirich had the honour of taking the first picture with me today, but I shall not post it up lest she accuses me of defaming her again!! (because she always looks dumb. haha!)
Today, Tsechiew was telling me about the regrets about jc life. Well... I guess we both harbour the same thought. Never to look back upon that life. Really, what was I doing that two years? Wasting my time away, wasted my chance.
It's too late for regrets.. but there's always space for a lesson learnt. So.. I'd better pull my socks up now, and fast.
But meanwhile, let me enjoy this weekend away.
Date with Natalie tomorrow and Saturday! Good!

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:41 AM


Thursday, March 29, 2007

Goodbye E900, Hello Nokia6300.

Goodbye touch-screen, slide-ups, black and sleek.
Hello candybar, louder ringtones, silver casing.

I don't feel as much for E900 because:
1. The ringtones are exasperatingly soft and vibration doesn't work along with it.
2. Touch screen can really be a hastle even though I've gotten used to that fact.
3. SMS memory's always full.

I liked the E900 because:
1. It looked goddamn good.
2. The colour screen was colourful enough
3. Fun frames for taking pictures

Fair and square, but no space for regrets.

Now on to 6300.

Top Reason Why I decided to move on to this:
Louder ringtones that'll incorporate the vibrations together

I've a burning throat and a runny nose. And my nurse went to sleep like.. half an hour ago. gahhh

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:11 AM

Revenge is on the cards.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

What if you know that someone lied to you, what would you do?

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Or so they say.
I just hope, you feel the same way too.

Fuck it I failed MAB1. Credit only for MP. But HD for MCE.
What's the use man. I'm so gonna flunk my test 2 for MAB as well so hallelujah.

Cookies and cream, Regi @11:00 PM

two segments

Segment One of today:

Well, yea, I made it to class, had project with Nat and before that, waited a whole long while before she finally finished her hmt project meeting. And meanwhile, I witnessed a series of project team politics. Whoa scary. Thank God our group ain't like that. Or maybe it's because we're not meeting enough for politics to happen? hahaha. Whichever it is, thank God we're not like that man.

While I honestly don't mind taking public transport (afterall, I took it for 19years), there are really occasions where I wish I didn't have to. Take yesterday for instance. I boarded a non air-con 74. And along Lornie Road, it was almost speeding, and there was grass trimming going on at the road shoulder. Goodness, I swear I was damn afraid a blade of grass would find its way into the bus and onto my face! So I covered my eyes, preventing myself from becoming blind. Then I realised, what if it hits my face?! So I covered my face. Then I though again, INJURE MY HAND HOW?!

Wa lau. It was terrible. But luckily nothing happened la. haha.

And today. I didn't have lunch, and we worked till about 5plus. Took the bus home and almost died on the way .=( I was so sick, I felt like puking all over the place. And the worst thing was, this blooooody irritating kid behind me was busy throwing tantrums, kicking the seat and screaming. I swear I could have kicked some ass in there. I kept hinting his mum that I'm freaking irritated, but noooooo her son was her prince. She didn't stop him. So I changed seats.
Wasn't the hint obvious enough already? The kid didn't stop! *faints*

In addition, one of the worst things to happen when you're on public transport, is bad air.
No air con, doesn't matter. It's worse when people start farting all over, or even airing their pungent armpits above everyone's heads. I hate that I tell you. >_<

So that's the price to pay for not being able to own a car.
Dear God, won't you pleaseeeeeeee get me a car??? A simple one will do.. (eh but i don't want manual car already!)


Segment two of the day.


Try driving while you're half frustrated and half creative (pun intended). Oh, don't forget to top up with losing your way.

So at times like these, I crave for speed. But each time I depress the accelerator hard, I see a sign that tells me Speed Camera Ahead. Great. Brake.
Then I depress again, slow car in front of me. Great. Brake.

And how do you concentrate on the roads when all you're thinking of, are the various possibilities of what could be happening? How do you focus on the directions when all that's running through your mind, are repeated questions?
"What's going on?"
"Am I right to assume?"

At the end of the day, no answers will be given. Rather, you don't know if the answers are real. But what you can do, is let the benefit of doubt run through.
So it does, and you try to shake it to the back of your mind.

But one day, it'll be back to haunt you. And when the time comes, there'll be no escape. Make it, or break it.


Supper with JooJi (EH I MENTION YOU AGAIN! free meal again? hurhur), Zhenyang, Teresa and Shuling at UTR. No prizes for guessing that I lost my way there by making wrong turns.

Ok, not really supper for me since I only drank(thank you jooji for the drink! EH SECOND MENTION! ONE MORE MEAL!).. but it was nice to meet up with them again after so long. Pity so many others couldn't make it.

And I gave them all a bad scare. hahaha! Lesson learnt : don't ever let too many of yr passengers speak at the same time. And don't let yr direction-giver's volume be too loud. HAHA!

Ok good night!

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:43 AM


Monday, March 26, 2007

Today, I received a call from an old friend who was on her way to register for school in SIM.
So the ironic thing here, is that I remember her being the one firm and robust about her choice never to enter a university, and take the lead in the working industry with a business diploma.

You see, the thing here really isn't about which school she enrols herself into. It's about us humans, how predictable we really are, and how much of trend-followers we are.

How many times have you felt frustrated about school? How many times do you remember yourself saying you wish you didn't have to study anymore? How many times do you remember yourself wishing you could just stop doing anything and everything all at one time? How many times?

But have you?
Guess not. At least, not if you belong to the standard-routiners.
We grew up in the standard routine, proceeding on from one level of education to another, and it seemed like a safe and easy way out.

Apparently, what happened to my friend, was that her determination and ego lost to social norms. And her claim that a diploma will take her faster and a higher position compared to fellow friends studying for a degree, fell weak.

So is it true that all of us are just slaves of the long educational chain, and do not have guts to break free from conventions?

I was on board the bus with Bish today and I was eavesdropping on this group of students' conversations.

GuyA asked Girl : do you think you're hot, or is your friend hotter?
GuyB answered before Girl could even say anything : this question is useless. it's like comparing one football.. with another football. Completely useless!

hahahaha. zomg they're the bomb man. LOL.

Yeap anyway, today, we're finally liberated from Paula v Car Covers Pty Ltd and Sue v Julie. Therefore... Bish and I decided to take ourselves down town for a short while before catching up on our sleep. hahaha. She got her dad's present (omg 65$!!), and I got my *ahem* BAG! LOL. yeyyyy. =)

This is Bishirich, or better known as the lousy piece of pork lard.She has red lips.
Oh, and green ones too! (MONSTER)

And this is her bag, soggy. =)
When I'm with her, I am always busy looking for the emergency exit so I can run away fast.

Cookies and cream, Regi @10:16 PM

Fatal blow

If you are..

1. constantly hugging your textbook/notes
2. Even dreaming about studying
3. Sleeping less than 2 hours a night because you're plagued by work.
4. always stoning (super easily)
5. constantly talking nonsense
6. coughing out new, stupid terms for everything (including a movie title for your assignment)

then you've probably contracted a fatal disease known as Claustroacadamicalphobia.

Claustrophobia subsection number 1:

-Down with all the above symptoms in the Law context.

Claustrophobia subsection number 2:

-Down with all the above symptoms in the Marketing context.

Claustrophobia subsection number 3:

-Down with all the above symptoms in the _________ context.

Alright. Let me see. Check, check, check, check, check... CHECK!
OMG it's confirmed. I've contracted the fatal disease Claustroacadamicalphobia!!
The cure only comes in once every semester. zomg. I'm dying soon. Last words anyone?

Cookies and cream, Regi @10:21 AM

Sing me a Melody

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Alright, short post before I shoot back to Law assignment (which is due tomorrow, sadly).

Special thanks to (in order of arrival time! hehe)
- Huiyi & Jiale (and thank-you for the purchase too!)
-Binghong (thank-you for the 2 bottles of Sprite! so considerate. haha) & Fadong & Jun An
-Baby! (muaaaaaaaahhhhh!)
-Natalie and bf (whaaaa made a trip down to see us leh!!! )
-Ru (even though it was just to see me pack! haha)
-Shu and Jocelyn (thank-you for advertising Le Little to your friends and thank-you for their purchases!)

Ahhhh and super special thank you to Bishirich & Tracy for helping me sell Freedom, and your oh-very-very-sweet mummy for the hotdog bread and drink!

Well, the flea was quite a flop actually. haha. But it wasn't the organiser's fault nobody knew there was a bazaar going on in Balcony Bar. It was really Balcony Bar's fault. =( The irresponsible management which cost us our precious customers ( =money rolling in).
Thank you very much. =(

Alright, time for Law!!!!

Cookies and cream, Regi @9:08 PM

Dream a little dream of me

I'm at a temporary loss of words cuz I'm really sleepy. And I can't seem to piece my gratefulness, my happiness and my love apt enough.

So, here's more than what I have to say: Thank you, love. For accompanying me throughout tonight, and albeit feeling sleepy and tired, you helped me complete stuff.
And so..

Cookies and cream, Regi @1:49 AM

Christina Aguilera - Hurt

Friday, March 23, 2007

Sometimes you laugh and feel easy.
And so, you say, you're happy. And life's good.

But you get affected so easily.
Even only with emo songs and mtvs.

So then again, you start to wonder,
how do you know if you're really happy?
Or is there something right inside you that's making you uneasy, but you're trying your best to hide it away from everyone, including yourself?

Cookies and cream, Regi @5:20 PM

And then you realised you cannot breathe


I want to stop doing projects, I want to stop worrying about the flea market which isn't even confirmed anymore, I want to stop cooping myself up at home deprived from fun, I want to stop losing sleep because I'm always worried over something.


So yea, the flea market's not confirmed anymore.
May maggots grow and their chairs/tables rot! The Balcony Bar CEO decided all of a sudden that he/she doesn't want the event anymore and as such, everything's left uncertain already. So the organiser can't confirm because the management doesn't want to confirm. WHAT THE BLOODY HELL? I spent so much money on the materials already ok you asshole!!!!

Condemn Balcony-irresponsible-Bar!!

And thanks to this, my schedule's warped.
I don't know if I can take my time to do my Law assignment, or am I supposed to rush through it. I hate such uncertainties. It makes me frantic and uneasy. Gahhhhh.

But thank goodness marketing project's pushed to 2April. Thank Heavens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok la enough of that ranting.

The mental radio hasn't stopped since that last time I talked about it. Oh gosh I cannot stand it. I keep singing Littlest Things 24/7.

Cookies and cream, Regi @3:46 PM

may the skies fall down on me

My gosh. You have no idea how bushed I am right now. I'm so goddamned drained!!!

I spent the entire day on just one law question. Gosh can you imagine? Bish and I were already debating on the question since last night. And today, we were still debating and couldn't decide on how to answer. And when we finally thought we found the answer.. Lester's guidelines showed us otherwise. Therefore... I had to delete delete delete and redo my essay. haha.

So I spent the day with Deb at tpy, both battling a tough challenge. Right now, I'm so tired, I can't really think straight. And I'm not even understanding and answering Bish properly. haha. I've even been typing this paragraph for the past half an hour not even sure if it's making sense at all.

So alright. give up. Time to sleep!

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:44 AM

Why oh why can't I.....

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Now, now, should I be on my guard, and be wary?
Or should I just. . . be happy with what I've got?

But there's no denial that I'm afraid.
Afraid that what I've got, isn't really what I think it is.

I have a love-hate relationship for the law assignment.
It's interesting, yet a tad too tricky.

I've actually been considering for quite some time, to shift over to LiveJournal for good and set all entries to Friends only. But the moment I think about the troublesome templates. . . I banish the thought. hurhur.

Oh right.

Why are sales so slow?!
Nobody supporting me aye?!?!
http://le-littleshop.blogspot.com , don't forget okay! heheh

Cookies and cream, Regi @2:39 AM

People never stay.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

It's my fault for believing in human nature.
Because I've always believed that there's a gold in everyone, and that if I treat people genuinely, people will treat me the same too.

And I was wrong to stay fixed on the same spot, thinking that everyone else would as well.

I blocked away the reception for change, I stopped accepting the fact that I'm still meeting new friends concurrently. I no longer socialised, I was no longer eager about changes.

I believed in retaining my old friends. I believed in the larger importance of maintaining old friendships rather than making new, and unstable ones. I believed that everyone'd feel the same way too.

Well, that's until today.

Today, I was slapped right in the face, and forced to face up with it.
Baby said something today.
"I don't think you have many friends. I don't think any of your friends are real."

Well, that's actually true, to a certain extent. It's pretty much what I always thought about, but never dared to face up to.

Most, if not all, of my friends aren't real.

At least, not anymore.

Well, I guess I'm really not fun enough for any one of them. Not that I aim to please all of them. So let's just limit my scope to a few of them. Perhaps I'm not fun enough, not pretty enough, not clever enough, and so, explains their hypocritical patronises about being best or good friends, and endless patronises about catching up.

Maybe I should really stop being nice. Stop driving everyone home after every date, making sure every single one of them gets home before I get home way after midnight. Stop clowning and listening to their woes. Stop making free time for them. Stop dating them out. And spend all the rest of my substantial time with me, myself, and my future.

Friendships are boguses.
Don't ever tell me anything about Friends Forever because I might just snap the hell out of you.

" 'Bestfriends' are for publicity.", he said.

Cookies and cream, Regi @11:48 PM

Le Little Shop


Sorry to keep you waiting for so long!
Le Little Shop is back, and revamped!

For convenience sake, we've relocated to:http://le-littleshop.blogspot.com !

Please continue to support us and here're two pieces of good news!

1. Le Little Shop has updated!
Check our new items out at http://le-littleshop.blogspot.com !

2. Le Little Shop is having a second collaboration with Luvishbits, and doing up a stall at the flea market held in The Balcony Bar (yes, you heard it right!) on the 25th of March 2007(Sunday), from 11am right up to 6pm.

So be there or be square!

Cookies and cream, Regi @1:01 AM

Don't add more pain

Monday, March 19, 2007

I will try once, twice and thrice.
I will try to moisturise not just your hostility, but the arm's length between us which you created.
But after the third try, I won't say anymore tries.

Disappointments there were, but disappointments there won't be, after the third time.

I will never, never want to look back again after the third try.
And they say, never say never.
But there's a loophole. You can say "never, never" , if you mean it enough to say it twice.

And just this once, I'll cheat, and start counting only from now.
And that's one try down.


Anyway I've been meaning to type this down somewhere ever since the Trojan virus saga back in J1, where my email account (very unfortunately) got hacked by some asshole.

"Hijacking blogsites, websites, and email accounts is considered an offence under the Computer Misuse Act. Anyone found guilty faces up to three years' jail and/or a fine of up to $10000."

There you go. I can finally throw away the slip of paper which I copied this onto two years ago.

So in case the (bloody) hacker belongs in my social circle, and happens to be reading my blog, there you have it.
Try me. And I'll try the Singapore legal force too.

Ahhhhhhhhhh the constant tauntings of Management Accounts.. of Commercial Law.. of Marketing Principles..
I need instant relief...

Cookies and cream, Regi @10:58 PM

it's 2.07am now

What would you do if you see a scrawny looking Indian lying on the grass motionless?
Would you think he's dead or asleep?
And what would you do?

Well, I sat rooted in the car seat, not having the slightest ounce of courage to move off. Well because one, if he's dead, it'd be very bad if I just drive off right? But if he's really dead, I'd be scared stiff. Two, if he's not dead, is he asleep or did he faint?

And the only way to find out, is to approach him. But due to my cowardly nature, I chose to ring dad up and got him to come downstairs to my rescue. So turns out he was a drunkard (oh drunkards of the world unite) and fell asleep. -_-

So Stella said she laughed like mad because of my stupidity and Mummy rang to laugh at me too.



I just had Korean cup noodles and Gulp with baby, and stole a hug.
But it's not enough!

I like being such good friends with Yisheng. =)
And now he wants me to start writing poems with him. HAH!

Cookies and cream, Regi @2:00 AM


Sunday, March 18, 2007

There's this nagging desire to go out, speed along the highway, enjoy as the breeze brushes pass me, and watch as the damned cars around me zoom past.

There's this nagging urge to tear away from school committments, and all the useless burdens, stroll along the horizon, watch the fading silhouettes of happy people and listen to their trouble-free laughters.

I want to lay freely on the sand, bask in the midnight moonlight, sing along to light music, and fall asleep in nature's embrace.

I want to break away from the responsibilities a daughter and a student has to meet up to for just one day. I want to feel my shoulders lighten and my hair let loose.

I want to enjoy the benefit of not worrying about anything in particular. Worrying not about revenge, karma, bad grades, tiffs, tickings and pimples.

I want, I want to enter Eutopia.

Cookies and cream, Regi @8:11 PM


Saturday, March 17, 2007

Life's worth living because,

-I have a bestfriend like Yisheng, who'd get worried about me driving home alone in the night after sending everyone back, and offers to ride with me and walk home himself.

-I have good pals like Bishan who'd constantly remind me to take care of the bump in my head (and you better take care of the dinosaur in your tummy!)

-I have good pals like Jiewan who'd always be one of the firsts to jump up to me (virtually) and ask me about my well being.

-I have very considerate good buddies like Li and Ru who'd offer to start queuing at New York New York one hour early so I didn't have to do it myself.

-I have a fun friend like Nat who'd always look out for me for shopping (!!).

-I have a sweetheart friend like Debbie who'd always console/make me feel better no matter what happens.

-I have a nice daddy who'd never complain about fetching me anywhere.

-I have a nice mummy who'd make my life so comfortable and smooth, and even pays for my 65$ Eriko DVD, and buys me a 79.90$ jacket.

And last but not the least important,

I have a darling who'd always take care of me, look out for me in the nittiest grittests, keep me warm, and never lets me go hungry.

So, life is still good albeit the little bumpers.

Cookies and cream, Regi @10:04 PM

It's saddening

When I had some form of contact with you,
it suddenly struck me, and I began to wonder.

What was it that you claimed to treasure so much?
What was it that you claimed to have lost?

Was it really the friendship? Or was it just some form of company?

Had I left things at where they were, would you be still complaining so much?
Or was it really just the possession of company you needed?

Because if it was really friendship you treasured,
why is it that.. I never felt so?

If it was really friendship you treasured,
why the hostility now?

What am I to do, to be reasonable and nice in your eyes?
Tell me.

Cookies and cream, Regi @10:01 PM


Thursday, March 15, 2007

And I saw 7 Sylphys in total today.

Cherry right on top of the cake.


Pun intended.

Cookies and cream, Regi @11:47 PM

I feel stupid

I experienced a total yin-yang mix today.
Well, more of the yin (or whichever's worse).

But it's weird why my day turned out that bad considering I was a good sister and daughter today. I woke up early to have breakfast with mum and drove her to work, came home, fetched sister and friend to school. Came back, rested. Went to look for baby for lunch, took him home to get some documents for work, drove to school.

So basically, I had all the essence of a contributing family member, helpful and loving girlfriend, and a dutiful student.

And yet, bad things had to befall upon me. =(

I wanted to be a good girl again and fetch mummy home from work before my test begun.
And that was when it happened.

I opened the car door, was about to get in, then some guy, who was in a rush, rushed pass my car and accidentally knocked my car door.
The car door slammed my right side head and pushed me towards the car, and my head got slammed between the car door and car. It hurt so bad I didn't have time to turn and see who he was. And for a minute, I was literally in a daze and blackout.

It was so scary! I kept having giddy spells after that and trust me, it was no joke.

So thank heavens mummy changed her mind about getting me to fetch her (I didn't tell her what happened..) and so I went back to school. I was so giddy, I couldn't even drive properly.

Yea, no kidding.

I was at the lousiest state for the test earlier. Cramps and headaches. ahhhh.
Oh but Bishan brought me 2 slices of chocolate bread today!! =)

Thank God baby came to school and drove the car for me. We had bar chor mee for dinner!

You know,

I love you. =)

Cookies and cream, Regi @11:06 PM

Eriko Imai

If you asked me, what makes me like Eriko so much, I'd tell you without a doubt, I like her smile.

Her smile makes me feel happy. That's what I never told anyone about. It's not something that's easy to explain, and something that's not easy for others to comprehend. People'll probably retort me by saying I'm stupid or senseless.

There isn't a concrete reason to why I like listening to her songs.

In true fact, I listen to BoA more often than listening to Eriko.

However, it's not about how often I listen to her songs, or whether I can sing every one of her songs that makes me a fan.

In fact, I just ridiculed myself by remembering her birth year wrongly.

It's about me admiring her work, and admiring her courage to face up to things I won't ever face up to on my own. But I don't explain this to anyone.

I didn't explain this to you, baby.

I didn't tell you I admired her courage for giving birth to her son albeit all odds. I didn't tell you I admired her bubbly character.

People idolise because somewhere somehow, in the idol, they see what they wish they could be, but will never be.

There are many unnamed difficulties I have in me, that I won't ever speak of to anyone.

Which is what stops me from getting what I want.

Which is what makes me idolise.

Don't ask me why I chose Eriko Imai out of the billions of other better singers.

People have differing likes, and dislikes.

People have different weightage of things, different views on everything.

So respect me, respect my choice.

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:44 AM


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Guess what guess what guess what?

I can finally lay my hands on Elly's Live DVD!!

Guess how guess how guess how?

I managed to contact the in-charge of her local fansite, who recently just posted a thread saying she managed to pre-order her dvd, who is freaking friendly and helpful and offered to help me order the DVD!

However.. I don't get the personal note handwritten by Eriko cuz mine's not pre-ordered, plus, it's gonna cost me 65$.

I think baby's gonna nag at me for spending so much on an idol, and call me a little too over....



Cookies and cream, Regi @8:19 PM

mental radio

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

There's this one particular song that's been going in my head for the past few days.
Don't ask me why this song, I've no idea why too!
But well, it's not a bad thing that it keeps repeating. It's a nice song.


So here goes.

Lilly Allen - Littlest Things

Sometimes I find myself sittin` back and reminiscing
Especially when I have to watch other people kissin`
And I remember when you started callin` me your miss`s
All the play fightin`, all the flirtatious disses

I`d tell you sad stories about my childhood
I dont why I trusted you
but I knew that I could
We`d spend the whole weekend lying in our own dirt
I was just so happy in your boxers and your t-shirt

Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of you and me
It seems, It seems
That I can`t shake those memories
I wonder if you have the same dreams too.

The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if for only one weekend
So come on,
Tell me Is this the end?

Drinkin` tea in bed
Watching DVD`s
When I discovered all your dirty grotty magazines
You take me out shopping and all we`d buy is trainers
As if we ever needed anything to entertain us

the first time that you introduced me to your friends
and you could tell I was nervous, so you held my hand
when I was feeling down,
you made that face you do no one in the world that could replace you

Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of me and you
It seems, It seems
That I can`t shake those memories
I wonder if you feel the same way too
The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things remind me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if for only one weekend
So come on,
Tell me
Is this the end?

Waaaa damn nice cannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. =)

Cookies and cream, Regi @4:08 PM


I cannot emphasise enough how much I loathe (for the lack of stronger hate words) it when people tell me 'confirm later'.

I really feel like replying things like 'CONFIRM NOW OR JUST SAY YOU CAN'T COME'.

Very exasperating. Well, I didn't get this hate out of nowhere.
I get it because out of all the times people tell me that, half the time( this is an understatement) they don't confirm later. Mostly, they either forget about confirming with me, or they are never confirmed about it even on the day itself.

And what irks me even more, is even when I take the initiative to confirm with them, they don't even respond.

Wa thanks man.
Out of 10 of these incidents, 8 belong to the same few people.

I don't know why I'm always stuck with people who got such weird penchants seriously.
Maybe it's my ill fate. Ya, blame it on my own ill fate.
So the next time I refuse to follow up with anybody's so-called promised confirmation, don't blame me anymore okay.

Ok if you didn't understand a single shit I said, here's the summary.


grrrrrrrrr. I don't know how long it will take for the entire world to comprehend this easy little fact.

Cookies and cream, Regi @3:55 PM

I love Debbie =)

I love pouring troubles to Debbie because she always listens, and at the end of the day, helps me get back on my feet. =) She's always so bubbly so I'm never upset when I'm with her, and I can never find the heart to ever get upset at her.
And talking to her earlier made me a tad less frustrated.
I love Debbie!

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:17 AM

Shit happens

Monday, March 12, 2007

I'm not in a good mood right now.

Reason being, today's a pretty shit up day.
I'm pretty darn sure we screwed up today's interview with Houseproud's GM.
Firstly, we were late (no Deb, not your fault, we got lost in Ubi).
Secondly, our group (Kston Debbie Me) very obviously displayed a weak knowledge of our own fucking project. Halfway through the interview, Kston can still ask me, are we doing on Precious Moments or Precious Thots. I swear I almost fainted on the spot.
It was as if we never did any preparation work for our own project and was only there to get ready-made information churned out.

I don't know, but I have a very bad feeling about this marketing project.

And honestly, I am way too slack for my own good this semester.
I dont' think I'll have anyone to blame, but myself, if I were to flunk any module this time round.

Fuuuuccckkk ttthhhheeeee wwwoooooorrrrrllllllldddddddddddd.


I really hate to deal with people who think that I'm forever there , forever ok with them acting as if I really like planning all the dates, forever ok with them acting as if I really want them there so much. Perhaps they should know, sometimes somethings I do, I do it out of moral obligations, and not because I really want to.
If I had a choice, I would really not do it.

I hate being so slack, so lazy and so useless.
My school schedule's so free, and I have no idea why am I still constantly missing lessons. I should really give myself a hard punch. My mum paid so much to put me into this asshole institution and I'm wasting her money like that. I don't care if I'm gonna be alone in lessons next time, I'll just go.
I can't waste my life like this. I don't want to regret in future. I don't want to laze my life away and ruin my chance of a good degree, and the chance to further my degree.
I shall not procrastinate so much anymore.

Why waste my time at home sleeping/surfing/lazing when I can actually stop wasting my mother's hard earned money?

Punch myself upside down.

I'm upset about something else. But I reckon it's way too sensitive to be posted up online here.
Never mind, it's okay. I poured it out to baby already anyway.
At least I'm not bottling it up.

Fuck it man. I am so full of frustration and irritation right now, I can just blabber on forever.

Cookies and cream, Regi @11:51 PM


The trusty ol' E730 has one of the best Samsung cameras ever. Cover screen camera is always the best. Ha! Pity my E900 can't do that. tsk.

Ahhh and for the reason why I'm blogging.. I forgot!
Ahh just as well. Here's one of my very favourite cars - the Nissan Sylphy.

How pretty ain't it? Baby and I love it, and are always on the look out for it. Especially Sylphys with the purplish silver shine. Sweet.
But just the other day, I saw 3 Sylphys in just half an hour, and boy am I devastated.
Because on the average, I see a maximum of 2 Sylphys in a day.
Share my pain now?

On top of it's majestically attractive exterior, I heard from baby that it's the world's only car that is capable of remembering different driver's specific likes and specifications. So depending on who's driving the car that very day, the car automatically adjusts to the driver's likings - that is assuming only two drivers use the car (two sets of car keys both implanted with a card memory!!).


But then again..

This is better! BMW 6 series!


Now I think the BMW M3 Cabriolet's nicer. =x

Cookies and cream, Regi @1:00 AM

Le Amour

Sunday, March 11, 2007

You know I love you when you're loving me
Sometimes it's better when it's publicly
I'm not ashamed,
I don't care who sees
Us hugging & kissing our love exhibition all
We'll rendezvous out on the fire escape
I'd like to set off an alarm today
The love emergency don't make me wait
Just follow I'll lead you
I urgently need you
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far
We just don't care
We just don't care
We just don't

The cycle of me being a boring ass has begun.
All work, and I haven't had a play.. (well, technically speaking).
But food will most definitely not be spared off my boring schedule.
Baby and I had a good dinner last night.. although I would have sued the stall holder because even with my limited knowledge on commercial law, I know I'd win the case. haha.

That aside, I wish I was better in studies. Then I'd make it to Law, and study justice and order.
All that CL reading up's making me regretful and upset. =(

A bit more on the randoms, and I'll head off to rest.

-I don't like men during andropause period.
-I don't like how my dad thinks.
-I seem to be pretty lack of sleep today although I slept quite a fair bit last night.
-I cook pretty well, according to my cousin=)
-I think my little cousin's a very sensible and obedient girl, albeit her studies are in a mess.
-I hate having to disappoint.. but I disappointed HY TC and JL. =(
-Will be interviewing Houseproud PL's general manager of sales and marketing tomorrow. =x
-I'd like to fast forward time to April (all tests, projects and flea market would be over).
-I dunno why didn't I think properly before committing to the flea market.

Cookies and cream, Regi @9:34 PM

Le Sigh

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Right now I feel like typing like a problematic teen who falls short of punctuations and emotions, uses weak English and reports every single happening in the day.

So I shall begin.

I woke up late for class today so I gave Marketing class a miss. No biggie anyway since half the class was either late or didn't attend or left halfway. So I went there in time to sign mine and Bish's attendance and attended project meeting which was for once very fruitful.
Had lunch thereafter with Natalie Kston and Lester and we story-timed for very long while Nat waited for her bf to come pick her up and it was only then that I realised Lester and I live very near. Bumped into Elaine in the canteen finally and HELLO BABE WE FINALLY MET AGAIN!

Then I went home to waste my life away and went to pick baby up from work ^_^ very sweet hor. We had dinner in cineleisure shopped in Heeren and Far East then drove to Tanjong Pagar Park (or something like that) and went home.

I'm sorry baby I was a bad egg today. :(

My eyes are rotting because they eye circles won't go away considering I don't sleep early and don't rest enough so they're itching me every now and then and hurting me hell a lot I feel like poking myself in the eye.

Ok now I feel sleepy.

Anyway I bought a bag and a pair of shorts today, so that's good.


Cookies and cream, Regi @1:07 AM


Friday, March 9, 2007

I met up with Jiewan today!
And blew quite a bit on Ruth's present.. but never mind! It's her 21st anyway! =)
Then, we had dinner at New York New York. . which was pretty good I'd say! haha.
We had this little chocolate fondue at only $15.90, compared to Haagen Dasz's $30 odd. haha.
And it was rather good, other than the fact that they had marshmallows, which I don't really like. So I made Jiewan finish them all! hahaha.
Chen laoshi very nice! She cabbed me home today. hahaha. =))

So anyway, getting on to the real reason why I'm blogging right now. It's actually quite senseless to be blogging at this hour, considering I have hideous eye bags (which, by the way, scared my dear chen lao shi) and should be in bed recuperating. And plus, there's marketing class in the morning tomorrow.

It was a tragic incident, really.

I was about to fall asleep.. and suddenly, I had to start sneezing for more than ten times in a row. As such, I'm energized and hungry now. Don't ask me why I'm hungry, I'm always hungry after massive sneezing.
I can't get rid of my hideous eyebags at this rate!! Gosh.
I wonder how am I gonna wake up in time for class tomorrow..

Cookies and cream, Regi @1:56 AM


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

YEYYYYYYYY baby's buying me Elly's Neverland~ album!!!!!


Cookies and cream, Regi @11:53 PM

Heart drop onto the ground

I am very very very upset.

I do not understand a single fucking Japanese, I don't live in Japan (or for that, anywhere near Shibuya).
As such, I cannot/don't know how to purchase Elly's Soar DVD, Live gig tickets, and whatever fucking thing she has, that isn't for sale in God-forsaken Singapore.

Oh damnit damnit damnit.
Why can't I just hop on a plane on April 7, catch the gig, grab the DVD/CD/photoalbum, and come back immediately (after shaking her hand and throwing her a big hug) ?

Why can't I?


Cookies and cream, Regi @11:28 PM

My prized possession

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Love is easy.
All you have to do, is love genuinely, and everything falls into place neatly.

But, eternal flame?


For the next couple of weeks/2mths, I'll devote myself to all work and no play. So I'll temporarily bid goodbye to my social life (not that I have much to speak of, but.. I'll just stop most of it anyway) and step into what I've been procrastinating for far too long.
Projects, assignments, faithfully attending lectures, tests, upcoming exams, my sidelines.

And for the benefit of all who read, I'll be doing a flea market soon again. =) 25March (Li! I know it's your birthday! haha)
It'll be held at the Balcony Bar in Heerens. Doing it with Bishan and Natalie. So this time round, I better double up considering the very tight amount of items I have on hand.

And, Le Little Shop is midway through revamp, watch the space!
In addition, www.thy-closet.blogspot.com just updated today. Go support me if you can! =)

Cookies and cream, Regi @11:52 PM

The closet I ever got.

Baby's back! =)))))

Anyway, I finally picked my ass up to settle a transaction for thy-closet. heh. Been dragging it far too long.. oh well! haha.
And by the way, I can't wait to get started on Le Little Shop. =) I'm so about to burst! hahaha.

So today was a really good day, 'cept if you do not include the incident I almost got into a freaking car accident.
I was only a second away from a tragic car accident (or so I feel)!

Stupid Honda Jazz I should have taken down its car plate number and filed a complain against that bugger. Everybody who knows me knows I keep my signal turned on for a while before I change lanes, and as such, my signal was turned on for a while, so whole world should know I'm about to cut lanes anytime.
And, I checked, double checked, before I even attempted to change lanes. BUT!!!
That stupid bugger had to play a freaking trick on me. =(

A second before I swerved into the first lane, there was this super loud (my music was blasting and I still could hear his fucking loud engine lehhhh) vrrrrrooooooooommmmmmm that caught me stunned and hurriedly swerved back into my lane. KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?!?!
That stupid Jazz vroomed all the way from THIRD LANE PASS SECOND, PASS FIRST, and into the exit! WHAT THE FUCK LEH!!! Damnit made me so scared. I swear if I hadn't swerved back in time, he'd have crashed into me. And, judging from his speed, I bet I'd have been crushed into pieces.
That asshole. He was so fast I didn't even have time to see his car plate number. pfffffft.

So this goes to show, even though the driver pays 100% attention to proper rules and procedures, it could all fall prey to a non-abiding law driver.


Cookies and cream, Regi @12:00 AM


Monday, March 5, 2007

"Boo are you watching the moon?If you're then I'm watching the same moon as you now :)"
"... Really miss you, walk ard also can imagine you bside me :( "
"hello boo how I wish you were here to share with me everythingnow. it would be so much fun and you could shop like crazy, eat till your fil and then night activities :) room here is more than i can ask for :) and the prelude would be a 6 dollars massage. :) i wonder what're u doing now? Online chatting?"
"Boo boo now it's my turn to miss ya :( having dinner now.
What are you doing? Have you been good? :) one more day to go!"

Cookies and cream, Regi @1:15 AM

Going down the abyss

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Slowly, but surely, you're dropping off the chart.
And even now, calling you what I used to always refer you as, seem so difficult.
I'm reluctant and unwilling.

I'm selfish, so I don't like this lack of exclusiveness.

Baby and I were viewing the very same moon at the very same time, at two different and very apart places. =)
We're gonna spend many nights together.


Cookies and cream, Regi @11:37 PM

because 16 held such better times

So due to communication break down (really, I really mean communication breakdown), Bish and I didn't shop today!!!! And I spent my day at home ripping cds into the laptop. hurhur. Oh my god I want to buy Elly's DVD, photobook, albums, upcoming live gig tickets. Booooooooo. =(
And dinner with YS tonight not on as well.

But well, I did Le Littles yesterday!! Bishan said this series very nice lehhhhh. hahaha. Stay tuned! Le Little Shop revamping! =)

Baby's coming home tomorrow!! Wheeheeheeeeeee. I get to claim overdue hugs and kisses. =) Oh and presents. HAHA!!

I can't wait!!

ooh yea ooh yea. =)

Cookies and cream, Regi @8:41 PM

Because pictures show love

So here're the pictures of the survivor pack Debbie and Bishan gave me previously. =)

My favourites =)
My eyebags look disgustingly obvious.. ALL MARKETING TEST'S FAULT LA!

Cookies and cream, Regi @8:36 PM

With Love

Just half an hour ago, I was about to blow up in infuriation.
I was upset, I was angry, I was in doubt.
I didn't understand what went wrong. Was it my err? Was it because I was brought up to be a brat? Was it because I always made free time, made it a must that I do not leave requests hanging till the very last minutes, but people don't behave likewise? Was it because everyone else is forever fucking too busy- that they can never give me a definite answer, and only to tell me at the last minute, cancelled? Was it because I always took their 'I'll confirm with you later!' as an agreement? Was it because they always forget to get back to me like they promised, that I have to constantly ask for their reply like I really am desperate?
Or, is it because, I'm just too inconsiderate/unsympathetic/sensitive (yet again) ?

I don't know what odd fate I possess. I'm always stuck with people like that. People with a weird penchant of leaving every-fucking-thing to the absolute last minute, and then cancelling it at the last minute because they decided to go ahead with OTHER priorities. Oh yea, whatever.

Because I've decided. The next person that tells me 'I'll confirm with you later!' or anything close to that, fuck off okay.
If you are really keen on the meet up, it'll show more obviously.

But of course, I absolutely understand it when family/lessons get into the way. I'm definitely not referring to being ditched due to reasons like that luuuhhhhhh.

And then, half an hour later (now, that is), I'm about to cry.
But that's not because I'm sad, depressed or what not.
Joy-induced, rather. =)

I wish I could really join you baby, eat till my fill with you, shop till we drop, the 6$ prelude massage, hug you till we wake up in the morning and greet you with a smacking kiss.
Hurry come back dear! I've got so much to say to you, so much I wanna share with you, and so much I wanna pour out to you.

But it's okay! It's just another day more!
And, " I be the first you see when I return".
It's gonna be sweet dreams tonight, baby!

Cookies and cream, Regi @1:31 AM


Friday, March 2, 2007

Today, long, tiring, and upsetting.
Baby's overseas. Test today. Carried rock-heavy bag to Chinatown. Realised.

So let's just put it this way, today's pretty much a shitty day.
More aptly, fucked up day.

But I still love Bishirich because she accompanied me today, and made me laugh because she's (as usual,) always being stupid. =)

Somehow, I guess it's the difference in us, our lifestyles and everything else, that enabled our friendship. But it's also that, that's causing the gradual loss of our friendship too.
Perhaps you should understand.. that I'm not like them. I don't have many others that'll make me feel better. I don't have as much, to understand your plight.
But I guess, this is all unavoidable, and one day, we'll still have to face up to it again.

The scariest thing to co-exist in a friendship, is silent competition of any sort. Any sort at all.


Anyway, Ys very smart!!! He actually scored AACB3 this exams! And for that, I get a free treat! (even though I did nothing at all. haha!) But I'm reeeally happy for him. Pat on your back, budd!!!!!

I miss baby already. =(

Cookies and cream, Regi @10:23 PM