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colours never lie

Midnight pamper

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

It was 3.18am.
All's silent and dark.
I sought solace with my dreams, away, far far away from marketing principles.
And then, the phone rang.

He was still awake.
He was accompanying me through my midnight rush.

I was too sleepy to talk, but I went back to sleep with a smile.

Simple, it's all about being loved.

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:28 PM

All I have

I don't possess strong language, nor do I speak different fluent tongues.
But I have sufficient words that would allow me to express my emotions and thoughts fine enough.
I can't illustrate pictureseque sceneries, neither can I sing a song most effectively. What I can do, is write and speak. And maybe a little of action giving.

Words, are one of the most powerful gift of life.

Even though I can hardly write compositions now, or even confidently piece a full speech in mandarin, times like these, I find it most apt for me to write in my mother tongue.

It's wonderous how much words can do.

Symbols too!

Cookies and cream, Regi @12:29 AM


Monday, February 26, 2007

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His name is Matong.

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He turns into a Snickers bar when he's on hibernate mode.

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This is him with his Daddy.

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And Mummy!

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(singing) We are family!

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That's my dad and my boyfriend, discussing about cars and good deals. =)

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And.. this is my favourite picture of the day.

Oh, by the way. Whenever I say Bishan is a greedy pig/lazy bum, I'm not kidding. I got proof!
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And she was supposed to be studying..
(pst: she was scrutinizing a FOOD pamphlet. yea. )

Oh yea! Tip for all my readers!
Always leave your bluetooth on!! Today, baby lost his phone in the Nissan showroom. Just when we thought all hope's lost, I remembered, he always has his bluetooth turned on. So, I decided to search for device using mine, and viola! We found his phone!! (just so you know, it was in a basement, so no reception, we couldn't call to locate the phone..)

So bottomline, keep all your bluetooth turned on if you have one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cookies and cream, Regi @10:49 PM

Being a girl is tough

Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Bottom Line
Don't be afraid of being called 'cheap.' Thrift is a virtue. Save your money.

In Detail
When it comes to your finances, you cannot let your reputation come before your bank account. If you are afraid of being called 'cheap,' you need to get over it. The people who toss those types of terms around are the same people who are deep in debt, so what do they know about money matters? Being thriftier will help you increase your cash flow and decrease your stress level, so create a tighter budget and ignore what people say about your spending habits.

So... I guess this is a sign. Better start getting tight on myself and quit thinking I've lots of cash to spare for my endless shopping sprees.

BUT HOW?!?!?! I'm forever stuck on the mentality that 'I don't want to go home empty handed'. And come this Tuesday, I'll be blowing quite a sum in Chinatown for the revamped LeLittleShop. (footnote : Le Little Shop is revamping. stay tuned!)

=( Shopping's been so fun and spiritually engaging.
I'm always a tad more happy whenever I come home with a bag/bags of new stuff. Although it hurts on my pockets, it satisfies my errrr... soul.

Blarghh but I know this gotta end.. Else I'd be a pauper in no time, with no money for business-making, no money for food and catching up with friends, no money for rainy days, no money for friends' birthdays, no money for baby's birthday in 7mths. Boohoohoo.

I so need to get my ass on being plain and dull Regina, all books and no play.
Saves money anyway. (ohhh it rhymed. )

Shall go to my personal financial planner for help! =)

Cookies and cream, Regi @11:21 PM

Of my Saturday.

Watching the fireworks from afar, gradually driving towards it. Watch it explode right in front of you, red, blue, green, and more. Halt right in the midst of an expressway, enjoy the magnificent view without a care, in embrace.


So we gave Chingay parade a miss yesterday! Couldn't really be bothered to hustle with the never ending crowd, and gambling with the delayed train, we gave the parade a miss!
But all for a good cause! I earned myself a red packet from baby's mummy! =)

We caught Letters from Iwo Jima yesterday, and it was a really good watch. All worth the 2hr20mins spent in the uncomfortable theatre. hurhur. Remember, VivoCity theatre 3 has lousy seats!! Far too upright for enjoyment. tsk.
It seemed more like a continuation, or rather, second point of view from Flags of our Fathers. Albeit illustrated in a more.. balanced view.
I like!

And OP was having mega sale, so we bought stuff each and went out of the store very very pleased!

Oh by the way, go to www.buildabear.com.sg!! We went into this Build-A-Bear Workshop at Harbourfront yesterday, and I was so amused by it! They had really cute clothes, SUNGLASSES, shoes, even boxers! for teddy bears. haha! And they had like a whole row of teddy bear 'skins' for you to choose and they'll stuff them with cotton once you picked it. Very cute!!! How amazing to actually shop through all their stuff. Their bags are so cute!! I'll have my own rabbit one day!! The rabbit skin alone that I eyed on was already $34.90. =( Meaning to say, on top of all the accessories and clothes, I've to pay $34.90 for the teddy itself. 50$ wouldn't be sufficient for me to bring home a teddy I'm very satisfied with. Boohoo.

But oh well, I've a bear already. BOO!

B to the power of 5 S.

Off to pack my room!!!

Cookies and cream, Regi @2:13 PM

Friday, February 23, 2007

The camp was awwweeeeeesssooomeeeeeeee!
The barbeque was the best of all we had so far.

On the menu last night:

Cheese hotdog
Streaky bacon
Sotongs (ooooh they were soooo good)

We were only lacking of ice cold Ribena. hurhur.

And even though we had to crawl out of lalaland at 6am in the morning after only 2 hours of sleep, the camp was still goooooooood. =)

I happily missed lessons today! And got a sponsered manicure, met Jiewan to pass her LeLittles, and met boo.

Chingay tomorrow! Anybody interested? I've got 2 extra tix going at ten dollars each. =)
Sms me for more!

Cookies and cream, Regi @9:47 PM

Sweet, simply

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Today, very happy day. =)

Wide grin across my face.

In the morning, drove mum, Fiona and myself to mum's office to collect angpows. =D
Good start. Collected quite a sum.. but lost to last year and last last year! boooo. Still, good enough! Ang pow collection exceeded ___$!!
There after, drove them to Compass Point, went to look for boo.
We went Creative warehouse first. =)
Then, IMM for lunch. (Btw, IMM carpark free!!!!!)

Ok, anyway... it was reaally good...

Me "I want to save money to buy myself a nice ring. " *starts explaining why*
Boo "Why? Want to buy also I buy for you what. "


Finally, we went town for shopping.

So, with the both of our Taka vouchers combined, we bought home,
A pair of Levis (MINE!), 2 board shorts (HIS!), a pair of socks (HIS!), food for tomorrow, and finally...

Our rings! =))))


I just marked a huge heart on my calendar. =)


Cookies and cream, Regi @10:13 PM

An update, finally.

I've a lot to catch up, in terms of blogging.. but there's really nothing much I wanna write about.

In short, I've been spending the past 3 days of CNY watching lots of tv, gambling a lil here and there, and eating a lil here and there.
Day 1 was better,since all the cousins were at grandma's. And of course, all my ang pows so far, collected that day, and on reunion night.
Day 2 was rather listless, and day 3 got worse. I didn't even dress up, and we went grandma's for more rounds of gambling.

But just a while ago, boo and I went ECP for a walk..
Surprisingly, that place is very packed with tents, and their toilets are.. filthy beyond words.
We'll be camping this Thursday. =)

Will be going with mum to her office tomorrow, and that means, more ang pows. =) Whether or not my ang pow collection exceeds $___ all depends on tomorrow! So, I'm hoping for the best.

Well, right this very instant, I'm actually staring at the sunflower bish and deb got for me. It's cringing up already.. that's very fast.. I guess it's because I don't really know how to take care of it.. =( But the colour's still pretty.
I really am thankful for the two of them, honest. Not that I really want material gains, or that I'm happy because of presents. But the fact that.. they're always showing me immense amount of care and love.. regardless of happiness or sorrow. Really.
And we barely knew each other for more than a year. In fact, we've only been friends for less than a year.

So Bish, I'll continue bullying you more often! And Deb, I'll continue making faces at you!

Handling changes, handling consequences.
Moistening atmospheres, showing the love and care.
Always have, always will.

Yesterdays, today, tomorrow, Thursday, and for the rest of the days.

Cookies and cream, Regi @2:20 AM

A fresh chapter

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A fresh new chapter needs a fresh new space.
Like you said, bad memories should not stay, and should end.

I thank God you gave a second chance, and I thank everything, that we'll be trying.
Let's take this fair agreement with a good and energised beat, and much as it's gonna be tough, I hope we'll make it through.. and embrace happy days together again.

Through this, I've realised that many times in life, we fail to see the good, and dwell only on the bad.

And I know I've got people who care for me..

Thank you mummy, thank you for doing all you can to show me your love.
Thank you friends, I know you all care. But this once, I made a mistake and I'll be making up for it..
Thank you Bishan and Debbie, the two sweeeeetest things you'll ever find, who popped a huge sunflower and a box of survivor pack with 34 lil notes at my doorstep just for me. =)

It's Chinese New Year, Happy CNY, you all!

Cookies and cream, Regi @10:47 PM